Friends Mourn Loss of Kate McCarthy

Kate McCarthy, founder of Friends of Mount Hood, passed away on November 3, 2015. The Hood River News reported on her passing here. (The location of the memorial service has been changed to the Hood River Inn, 1108 E. Marina Dr., Hood River, OR.)

Kate had a fascinating life which you can read about here.

She was an inspiration for scores of others who have followed in her footsteps. In order to preserve her story the Crag Law Center has a project dedicated to telling Kate’s story to future generations. You can learn about this and see photos of Kate out in her element here.

Kate campaigned tirelessly for the preservation of the natural beauty of Mount Hood. One of her Op Ed pieces can be read here.

As can be imagined, Kate was frequently interviewed by the press for her opinions and stories about Mount Hood. Here is a OPB radio interview in which you can hear Kate talk about her beloved mountain.

Kate has been quoted in several books, and she has been featured in many newspaper and magazine articles. Here is a story, with a wonderful photo of Kate, that was in the High Country News.

A memorial service will be held for Kate at 2 PM on December 13, 2015 at the Hood River Inn, Hood River, Oregon.